سيف الدولة الحمداني .. كتاب مائة أوائل من تراثنا ، الكاتب عبد الهادي حرصوني

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  • سيف الدولة الحمداني .. كتاب مائة أوائل من تراثنا ، الكاتب عبد الهادي حرصوني

    سيف الدولة الحمداني

    [ ت ٣٥٦ ٩٦٧/٥ م ]

    بنو حمدان يتظاهرون بثلاثة أشياء ، عليها مدار العالم ، وليس لهم فيها نصيب : يتظاهرون بالدين وليس لهم فيه نصيب ، ويتظاهرون بالكرم ، وليس لواحد منهم كرم في الله ، ويتظاهرون بالشجاعة وشجاعتهم للدنيا لا الآخرة .

    المعز لدين الله الفاطمي

    كانت قبيلة تغلب من أشهر قبائل العرب وأكبرها ، وكانت قبيل ظهور الاسلام تقطن في أعالي منطقة الجزيرة ، واستمرت في ديارها بعد الفتوحات الاسلامية ، وكانت تغلب تدين بالنصرانية ، ولقد رفضت بعد الفتح دفع الجزية ، وسبب ذلك مشكلة للخلافة ، عالجها عمر بن الخطاب ، بأن ضاعف عليها ضريبة الصدقة ، وأن لا تقوم بتعميد أولادها. وأثناء العصر الأموي ، حافظت تغلب على مكانتها ، لكن بشيء من الصعوبة ، بسبب تدفق قبائل جديدة من شبه الجزيرة ، ولهذا تأثرت تغلب بمشاكل الصراع في الجزيرة ، خاصة أواخر العصر الأموي ، وأثناء الفترة الأولى من الحكم العباسي ، وخلال هذه الحقبة كانت نشاطات الخوارج واضحة وكبيرة في الجزيرة ، وكان لتغلب دورها في الصراع .
    ضد الخوارج ، وقد فرزت هذه الصراعات زعامات جديدة بين صفوف تغلب ، كان أشهرها الأسرة الحمدانية وقامت صلات بين هذه الأسرة والخلافة العباسية أصبحت تاريخية منذ أيام المعتضد ، في أثناء الصراع ضد القرامطة ، فأثناء حروب الخلافة العباسية ضد القرامطة تكونت شخصية الأسرة الحمدانية ، وغدت تشكل إحدى القوى العسكرية - لكن الصغيرة - للخلافة العباسية ، واستخدم الساسة العباسيون هذه القوة في أكثر من مناسبة وبقعه ، ووطد هذا من أركان الأسرة الحمدانية ، ورفع من مكانتها . كما ورط بعض أفرادها في مشاكل الخلافة العباسية ، وجعلهم يجذبون نحو بغداد . ويعيشون في دوامتها السياسية وقد اتخذ الحمدانيون في البداية مدينة ميافارقين مقراً لهم، لكن ضغط الأكراد عليهم من الشمال ، وجذب السياسة النابعة من بغداد ، دفع الحمدانيين نحو الموصل ، فأسسوا فيها سنة ٢٩٣ ٩٠٦/٥ م دولة ، وذلك عندما عين الخليفة المكتفي أبا الهيجاء أميراً على الموصل ، لكن أبا الهيجاء لم يهتم بإمارته ، بل شغل نفسه بما كان يجري في بغداد وأوكل شؤون الموصل لأكبر أولاده الحسن . وبعد وفاة أبي الهيجاء آلت إمارة الموصل لابنه الحسن ، الذي سار على سنة أبيه ، فتورط في مشاكل بغداد ، وعاونه في ذلك أخوه الأصغر علي ، وقد كسب الحسن أثناء عمله لقب ناصر الدولة ، وكـب أخاه علي لقب سيف الدولة

    وفي الوقت الذي كان الصراع على أشده في بغداد من أجل السلطة اقتنع الحمدانيون بأن لا مستقبل لهم في العراق ، وأنه من الخير لهم التطلع نحو الشام ، ذلك أن الموصل كانت معرضة للخطر من العراق
    و غير ومن أكراد الشمال ، وحدث أن قامت الدولة الاخشيدية في إدخال حلب في حوزتها سنة ۹۳۷/۵۳۲٥ م ، وعين الإخشيد أحمد بن عباس الكلابي نائباً عنه في حلب ، وفي هذه الفترة كانت جموع من البداة الجدد قد وصلت إلى شمال الشام والجزيرة ، وضمت هذه الجموع قبائل من كلاب ، وتشير ، وعقيل ، وسببت هجرة هذه القبائل فوضى سياسية كبيرة في المناطق التي طرقتها ، وهكذا لم تستقم الامور في شمال الشام الإخشيد ولا لنائبه ، وقامت الخلافة العباسية سنة ٩٣٩/٥٣٢٧ م بتفويض أمور حلب لمحمد بن رائق ، فجاء إلى حلب وانتزعها لنفسه ، لكن مالبث الاخشيذ أن استرد مدينة حلب ، وأخذ يتطلع إلى مشرقها . وفي سنة ٣٣٢ هـ/٩٤٤م قام محمد بن رائق بالالتجاء إلى الموصل لاخفاقه في الصراع من أجل منصب أمير الامراء في بغداد ، وفي الموصل قام ناصر الدولة بالتخلص من ابن رائق ، وبعد وفاة ابن رائق مد الحمدانيون أبصارهم نحو شمال الشام بين الاخشيذ وحكام الموصل ، ونجح الاخشيذ في الحفاظ على حلب ، وأتاب فيها بن سعيد الكلابي . وكانت قبيلة كلاب تعاني من التمزق والاضطراب والخلاف بين رجالاتها ، حتى غدا ذلك ميزة من مزاياها ، لهذا قام بعض أمراء كلاب بالسفر إلى الموصل ، فاتصلوا بسيف الدولة علي بن عبد الله ، أخو ناصر الدولة ، ودعوه للقدوم إلى حلب ، وتسلم مقاليد الأمور فيها ، آنذاك حاكماً لنصيبين ، فعرض الأمر على أخيه فأجابه بعد تردد ، فتحرك نحو الشام ، واستطاع دخول حلب دون مقاومة الأول سنة ١٧/٥٣٣٣ تشرين الأول ٩٤٤ م ، وهكذا ابدأ عهداً جديداً في تاريخ الشام . و سبب هذا مواجهة أحمد وكان علي في ٨ ربيع
    عدد ولم يقبل الاخشيذ باستيلاء سيف الدولة على حلب ، وقام صراع بين سيف الدولة والاخشيد ، واستطاع سيف الدولة في مرحلة من هذا الصراع ليس فقط دفع الاخشيذ عن حلب ، بل الاستيلاء على دمشق ولم يستطع سيف الدولة الاستقرار في دمشق ، بسبب سياسته الضرائبية والدينية ، وحيث أن طاقاته كانت أدنى من طاقات الاخشيد ، فقد استطاع صاحب مصر إيقاع الهزيمة بسيف الدولة ، وانتزاع الشام كله منه ، وحسماً لداء الصراع اتفق الطرفان سنة ٣٣٦ ٩٤٧/٨ م على أن يترك الاخشيد لسيف الدولة حكم مدينة حلب ، ولهذا يمكن اعتبار هذه السنة البداية الفعلية لقيام الدولة الحمدانية في حلب . والتفت بعد هذا سيف الدولة إلى دولته ، فوطد أمورها ، وأقام لنفسه بلاط فخماً لعله أراد أن يضاهي به بلاط بغداد ، وغيرها من حواضر الاسلام العظمى ، وتجمع عنده في هذا البلاط كبير من العلماء في كل فن ، والشعراء ، وكان على رأس الشعراء المتنبي ، واستخدم سيف الدولة رجال بلاطه كأداة إعلامية في الدعاية له والحكمه ، والواقع ان شهرة سيف الدولة قائمة أساساً على ما صنعه رجال بلاطه من دعايه له ، وهي مرتبطة بقصائد المتنبي ، وليست تابعة من قام بها ، أو تمت في عصره . لقد شغل سيف الدولة معظم وقته في الأعمال الحربية ضد الامبراطورية البيزنطية ، وكانت هذه الامبراطورية تعيش فترة استفاقة وازدهار وقدرة عسكرية من حيث الطاقات ، كما تهيأ لها عدد من القادة والأباطرة الأكفاء ، وقد خاض سيف الدولة بطاقاته المحدودة ، وإمكاناته القليلة حروباً طويلة ضد هذه الامبراطورية ، ولم تكمن هذه الحروب حروباً هادفة بل امتازت بأنها مجرد غارات بدون هدف واضح ، سواء أكان أعمال جليلة دفاعيا أو هجومياً .

    اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٣-٠١-٢٠٢٣ ١٥.٣٦_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	29 
الحجم:	58.4 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	76512 اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٣-٠١-٢٠٢٣ ١٥.٣٦ (1)_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	11 
الحجم:	78.4 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	76513 اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٣-٠١-٢٠٢٣ ١٥.٣٧_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	11 
الحجم:	80.6 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	76514 اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٣-٠١-٢٠٢٣ ١٥.٣٨_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	11 
الحجم:	87.4 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	76515 اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٣-٠١-٢٠٢٣ ١٥.٣٨ (1)_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	11 
الحجم:	76.9 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	76516

  • #2
    اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٣-٠١-٢٠٢٣ ١٥.٣٩_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	5 
الحجم:	81.6 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	76518 اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٣-٠١-٢٠٢٣ ١٥.٣٩ (1)_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	10 
الحجم:	43.8 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	76519

    Sayf al-Dawla al-Hamdani [died 356 967/5 AD]

    The Banu Hamdan pretend to have three things, on which they are around the world, and they have no share in it: they pretend to be religious and they have no share in it, and they pretend to be generous, and none of them has generosity in God, and they pretend to be brave and their bravery for this world and not the hereafter.

    Al-Muizz li-Din Allah Fatimid

    The Taghlib tribe was one of the most famous and largest Arab tribes. Before the advent of Islam, it lived in the highlands of the Jazira region, and it continued in its homes after the Islamic conquests. She has to pay alms tax, and not to baptize her children. During the Umayyad era, Taghlib maintained its position, but with some difficulty, due to the influx of new tribes from the peninsula, and for this reason Taghlib was affected by the problems of conflict in the island, especially at the end of the Umayyad era, and during the first period of the Abbasid rule, and during this era the activities of the Kharijites were clear and great. On the island, it was to overcome its role in the
    Against the Kharijites, and these conflicts produced new leaders among the ranks of Taghlib, the most famous of which was the Hamdanid family, and links between this family and the Abbasid caliphate became historic since the days of al-Mu'tadid, during the struggle against the Qarmatians, during the wars of the Abbasid caliphate against the Qarmatians, the personality of the Hamdanid family was formed, and it became one of the The military forces - albeit small ones - of the Abbasid caliphate, and the Abbasid politicians used this force on more than one occasion and its spots, and this strengthened one of the pillars of the Hamdanid family, and raised its status. It also implicated some of its members in the problems of the Abbasid caliphate, and made them attract towards Baghdad. And they live in its political vortex, and the Hamdanids initially took the city of Mayafariqin as their headquarters, but the pressure of the Kurds on them from the north, and the attraction of politics emanating from Baghdad, pushed the Hamdanids towards Mosul, where they established a state in the year 906/5 AD 293, and that was when the Caliph al-Muktafi appointed Abu al-Haija as Emir On Mosul, but Abu al-Hayja' did not care about his emirate, rather he occupied himself with what was going on in Baghdad and entrusted the affairs of Mosul to his eldest son, al-Hassan. After the death of Abu al-Hayja’, the emirate of Mosul devolved to his son al-Hasan, who followed the example of his father, and got involved in the problems of Baghdad, and his younger brother Ali helped him in that.

    And at a time when the struggle for power was intensified in Baghdad, the Hamdanids became convinced that they had no future in Iraq, and that it would be good for them to look towards the Levant, because Mosul was exposed to danger from Iraq
    Others were from the Kurds of the north, and it happened that the Ikhshidid state established Aleppo in its possession in the year 5325/937 AD, and the Ikhshids appointed Ahmad bin Abbas al-Kilabi as his representative in Aleppo, and during this period crowds of newcomers had arrived in the north of the Levant and the Jazira, and included these The crowds are tribes from Kalab, Tsheer, and Aqil, and the migration of these tribes caused great political chaos in the regions they invaded, and thus things did not settle in the north of the Levant, nor for his deputy, and the Abbasid caliphate in the year 939/5327 AD delegated the affairs of Aleppo to Muhammad bin Raiq, so he came to Aleppo He snatched it for himself, but soon Al-Akhshid regained the city of Aleppo, and looked forward to its east. In the year 332 AH / 944 AD, Muhammad bin Ra’iq sought refuge in Mosul due to his failure in the struggle for the position of Emir of the Emirs in Baghdad. Al-Akhshid in the preservation of Aleppo, and bin Saeed Al-Kilabi repented there. The Kilab tribe was suffering from rupture, turmoil, and disagreement among its men, until this became one of its advantages. That is why some of the Kilab princes traveled to Mosul, so they contacted Saif al-Dawla Ali bin Abdullah, brother of Nasir al-Dawla, and invited him to come to Aleppo and take over the reins of affairs there at that time. Ruler of Nusaybin, so he presented the matter to his brother, and he answered him after hesitation, so he moved towards the Levant, and was able to enter Aleppo without the resistance of the first in the year 17/5333 October 944 AD, and thus began a new era in the history of the Levant. And the reason for this was the confrontation with Ahmed, and Ali was on the 8th of Rabi`
    A number and Ikhshid did not accept Saif al-Dawla's takeover of Aleppo, and a conflict arose between Saif al-Dawla and al-Ikhshid. During this conflict, Saif al-Dawla was able not only to push the Ikhshids away from Aleppo, but also to seize Damascus. Saif al-Dawla was unable to settle in Damascus, because of his tax and religious policy, and where That his energies were lower than the energies of al-Ikhshid, for the ruler of Egypt was able to inflict defeat by Sayf al-Dawla, and wrest all of Syria from him, and to resolve the disease of the conflict, the two parties agreed in the year 336 947/8 AD that al-Ikhshid would leave to Sayf al-Dawla the rule of the city of Aleppo, and for this reason this year can be considered the actual beginning For the establishment of the Hamdanid state in Aleppo. After this, Saif al-Dawla turned to his state, consolidated its affairs, and established a luxurious court for himself, perhaps he wanted to emulate the court of Baghdad and other great cities of Islam, and a great number of scholars gathered with him in this court in every art, and poets, and he was at the head of the poets al-Mutanabbi, and used Sayf al-Dawla and his courtiers as a media tool in propaganda for him and his rule, and in fact, Sayf al-Dawla's fame is based mainly on what his courtiers made of propaganda for him, and it is linked to the poems of al-Mutanabbi, and is not affiliated with those who performed them, or took place in his era. Saif al-Dawla spent most of his time in warfare against the Byzantine Empire, and this empire was living a period of awakening, prosperity, and military capacity in terms of energies, and a number of competent leaders and emperors were prepared for it. Saif al-Dawla, with his limited capabilities and few capabilities, fought long wars against this empire These wars were not targeted wars, rather they were characterized as mere raids without a clear goal, whether it was great deeds.
    defensively or offensively.


    • #3
      Serious results 4 resulted from Sayf al-Dawla's policy of intoxication, and the composition of his court was numerous. His court, as well as his campaigns, required very large expenses, and Saif al-Dawla collected these expenses from confiscations, heavy taxes, and the adoption of state capitalism by buying imported goods and selling them at high prices to merchants and consumers alike. People in Aleppo and other contemporaries complained about his general and financial policy in particular, and we see an echo of this in the writings of Ibn Hawqal the geographic, and Al-Muhli, the author of the book Al-Masalik and Kingdoms, which he wrote for the dear Fatimid caliph and Qadi Abd al-Jabbar al-Hamadani, Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi, and Abu Uthman al-Tarsusi, the author of the book Biographies. Thagour and others. And the financial policy of Sayf al-Dawla forced the remnants of the Taghlib tribe, whose number was estimated at about ten thousand people of the household, and they were called Bani Habib, forced them to leave the island and migrate into the Byzantine lands, abandon Islam, adopt Christianity, and war on the side of Byzantium against the Muslims. In view of the lack of a tribal base for Saif al-Dawla’s rule, and for other matters, he recruited a large number of Turkish and Daylam boys, as was the custom in Baghdad. He also adopted the Nusayri ideology, becoming an extremist Shiite after being moderate. While we do not know his motives, whether they were convictions or a reaction against the Ismailis, we do know. That his policy of recruitment and religion caused him many problems that wanted him without being able to solve them. His raids disturbed the Byzantine Empire, and this is evident in contemporary Byzantine writings. It is also clear that Byzantium dealt with his case according to a specific strategy. Byzantium ordered border officers in Asia Minor
      Occupation by monitoring the military movements of Saif al-Dawla, not obstructing his way when he comes to invade, and not engaging with him, but rather leaving him until he returns, surprising him in the difficult mountain paths and blocking the way for him and his forces, and according to this rule, Byzantium inflicted several painful blows with Saif al-Dawla, and then the internal situation erupted In his state, he empowered Byzantium from all the fortified areas, including Tarsus and Antioch, with a long coastal strip that extended beyond Latakia. Saif al-Dawla's relationship with the Aleppines had worsened, and instead of completing the fortification of the city's castle, he built a magnificent palace for himself outside Aleppo, and then the state of his emirate increased. The interior got worse, so the acts of disobedience increased by his followers against him, and the activity of the beginnings against him increased, and here Byzantium took advantage of

      In the year 5351/962 AD, its forces were able to penetrate the city of Aleppo.

      And the Byzantines, with Sayf al-Dawla witnessing them closely, destroyed a city

      Aleppo was horribly destroyed, and they collected huge spoils from it and took it

      Too many prisoners, they almost emptied this glorious city

      The impact of the fall of the city of Aleppo on Saif al-Dawla had a very great impact, causing him severe illness, and causing him more problems. Revolutions erupted in his face, and Byzantium continued to pressure in order to liquidate him, and in Safar of the year 356 / January 5, 967 AD, he died, and his coffin was carried to Mayyafariqin, where he was buried. Finally, he was paralyzed
      The nationalist who, in the modern era, under the charm of Al-Mutanabbi’s poetry and in the atmosphere of revival, believed in the role of the heroic individual - as is the case with Carlyle - considered a non-Arab book, then an Arab, Saif al-Dawla, as the model of the Arab hero in an era before the heroes disappeared, but the progress of balanced scientific research, which is not deceived by a voice Al-Buraq propaganda does not describe him, but rather he listens to the testimonies of contemporaries of all walks of life, and examines the facts carefully, belittling the value of the role of the individual hero in making history, and saying that the masses are the true hero of history. To reconsider everything before about it and even what was said about something else, because the time has come for the Arabs to write their history in the spirit of science, not in the spirit of importation and its charming luster. with

