ابن عساکر .. كتاب مائة أوائل من تراثنا ، الكاتب عبد الهادي حرصوني

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  • ابن عساکر .. كتاب مائة أوائل من تراثنا ، الكاتب عبد الهادي حرصوني

    ابن عساکر

    [ ٤٩٩ ه / ١١٥٠ م - ١٢٢٣/٥٧١م ]

    عقب نجاح الثورة العربيه الكبرى ، حررت سوريه من حكم الأتراك ودخل الأمير فيصل إلى مدينة دمشق ، حيث قام فيها ما يعرف عادة باسم فترة الحكم الفيصلي ، ورغم قصر مدة هذا الحكم ، فقد تم تأسيس بعض المنشآت العلمية والثقافيه في دمشق ، وكان من جملة هذه المؤسسات المجمع العلمي العربي، الذي مازال موجوداً تحت اسم « مجمع اللغـــــه العربيه ، وقد عمل هذا المجمع منذ تأسيسه وحتى الآن في سبيل بعث التراث العربي وإحيائه ، وكان من أوليات مشاريع هذا المجمع نشر کتاب « تاریخ دمشق لابن عساكر ، ومنذ ذلك الوقت وحتى الآن مضت سنون طويله ، وجيل بعد جيل من العاملين في حقل التراث يحاولون نشر كتاب ( تاريخ دمشق لابن عساكر ، ، لكن مامن شيء جدي تم حتى الآن .

    والغريب في الأمر أن تاريخ ابن عساكر طرح أمر نشره في الزمن الذي طرحت فيه قضية فلسطين ، وحتى الآن لم يحقق العرب أي شيء مجد لا في نشر الكتاب ، ولا في قضية فلسطين ، وهنا لابد أن يتساءل المرء : ماهو الرابط بين إحياء كتاب ، وقضية سياسية معقده ؟ في الحقيقه هناك أكثر من رابط فقد كتب ابن عساكر كتابه في ظروف مشابهه للظروف التي نعيشها الآن حيث كانت فلسطين محتله من قبل الفرنجه ، وهي الآن كما هو معلوم ترزح تحت الاحتلال الصهيوني ، وأثناء كتابة ابن عساكر لكتابه كانت الأمة تعمل على تحرير أراضيها ، وقد تم التحضير لذلك عسكرياً وحضارياً واقتصادياً ، وأعدت الخطط لخوض معركة فاصلة مع الفرنجه ، ولم يمض وقت قصير على تصنيف ابن عساكر لكتابه العظيم ، حتى قامت معركة حطين وحررت القدس ، والآن من هو ابن عساكر ؟

    110./0899 م وعن عدد هو علي بن الحسن بن هبة الله ، أبو القاسم ، ولد في دمشق سنة وكانت أسرته أسرة اشتهرت في دمشق بالعلم والتقوى لذلك أقبل ابن عساكر منذ صباه على العلم والتعلم ، فأخذ عن أهله ، كبير من شيوخ دمشق ، ولم يقتصر عمله على ذلك ، بل عمل على مراسلة علماء عصره في العراق وخراسان ، وكان الجامع الأموي أهم المراكز التي تردد إليها ابن عساكر للسماع من الشيوخ والتزام حلقات ، وبالإضافة إلى الجامع الأموي أقبل على محاضرات عدد من مدارس دمشق وزوايا التعليم فيها. كما كان يزور الشيوخ في بيوتهم تدریسم ويأخذ عنهم

    وعندما بلغ ابن عساكر العشرين من عمره ، فقد والده ، فتحللت ارتباطاته الأمرويه بعض الشيء ، فقرر الرحلة في طلب العلم ، وخاصة الحديث النبوي الشريف الذي سيطر على اتجاهاته منذ البدايه ، فاتجه نحو العراق ، لأنها كانت ماتزال مركز الثقافة الأول في العالم الاسلامي وفيها كانت المدرسه النظاميه نشطة للغاية ، بحيث اعتبرت أعظم جامعات العالم الاسلامي ، وأرفعهن مكانة ، وأعمقهن تأثيراً ، ذلك أنها ضمت فأخذ عنهم وأقام ابن عساكر في بغداد مدة سنة حيث عاد إلى دمشق فأقام قليلا ، ومن هناك توجه إلى الحجاز وفي الحجاز قضى فريضته في الحج والزياره والتقى بعدد من العلماء من أهل الحجاز ومن جاء لأداء فريضة الحج ومن جديد قرر التوجه إلى العراق ، وأقام هذه المرة خمس سنوات هناك ، درس خلالها في النظاميه ، وزار مدن العراق فلقي بها العلماء وأخذ عنهم .

    لمحبة الشيوخ وكبار العلماء كما أن بغداد حوت آنئذ في خزائنها جل النتاج الفكري المدون بالعربيه .

    وعاد مجدداً إلى دمشق ، وقد ملك طاقات علميه كبيره ، فلم يعد تلميذاً فقط بل وصل إلى حالة يمكن بها الاعطاء وذلك بالاضافة إلى الأخذ ، وشعر ابن عساكر بحاجته الى مزيد من التحصيل ، لذلك قرر مجدداً التوجه شرقاً ، فذهب الى العراق سنة ٥٢٩ه حيث أقام قليلا ، ثم اتجه إلى خراسان ، فزار كبريات المدن هناك مثل : همذان ، والري ، وأصبهان ، ونيسابور ، وبيهق ، وتبريز ، وسرخس ، ولقي العلماء وأخذ عنهم

    التردد ، وفي سنة ٥٣٣ هـ أنهى رحلته وعاد إلى بغداد ، ومضى إلى دمشق حيث قر به القرار، وبدأ يحدث في دمشق ويعلم ، وذلك بعد شيء من ويمكن أن نعتبر الفترة الواقعة ما بين سنة ٥٣٣ وسنة وفاته في ٥٥٧١ هي فترة العطاء الخصب في حياة ابن عساكر ، حيث صنف عدداً كبيراً من الكتب ، ووقف وقته كله على العلم ، فأعرض عن مغريات الدنيا ، وصرف وجهه عن المناصب والوظائف ، واحتقر المال واعتبره من توافه الحياة التي ترفع عنها ، ولهذا أخذ نفسه بالأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر ، فحظي بمكانة رفيعة للغايه بين أهل دمشق ، واحترمه الناس جميعاً من عوام وأصحاب السلطان

    في هذه الفترة كانت الأمة تعيش مرحلة الاستفاقة وحرب التحرير والعمل في سبيل الوحدة ، خاصة وحدة شمال الشام مع جنوبه ، فمنذ قيام الحروب الصليبيه كان دور دمشق في هذه الحروب يكاد يكون سلبياً وكانت مدينة حلب أنشط مراكز المسلمين للجهاد ضد الصليبيين ، وفي حلب استقر آنئذ نور الدين محمود ، الذي تجمعت في شخصه الصفات المؤهله للزعامه .

    وحدث في سنة ١١٥٤/٥٥٤٩ م أن دخل نور الدين محمود مدينة دمشق ، وذلك بناء على رغبة من أهلها ، وهكذا توحد شمال الشام وجنوبه ، وصارت دمشق الآن مقر الجهاد ، وقاعدة انطلاق أعمال التحرير والوحدة الكبرى ، ووضع نور الدين الخطط للتحرير ، وخوض معركة فاصلة مع الصليبيين ، مدركاً أن شروط التحرير هي الوحـــدة والثقافه ، والأمن الداخلي والاستقرار ، مع الاقتصاد القوي ، ومن هذه المنطلقات نمت العلاقات بين نور الدين وابن عساكر واعجب ابن عساكر بنور الدين كما أن نور الدين رفع من مكانة ابن عساكر ، وكان من نتائج العلاقة بينهما بناء دار الحديث النوريه ، أول جامعة من نوعها في التاريخ الإسلامي ، وقد أسندت أعمال التدريس بهذه الجامعه إلى ابن عساكر ، هذا من جهة ومن جهة أخرى شجع نور الدين ابن عساكر على انجاز كتابه في تاريخ دمشق ، ومعلوم أن نور الدين توفي سنة ٥٦٩ ه ، وجاءت وفاة ابن عساكر بعد وفاة نور الدين بعامين ، أيام دولة صلاح الدين الأيوبي ، وقد سار صلاح الدين الأيوبي في جنازته حامر الرأس متأسفاً على فقدانه .

    اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٣-٠١-٢٠٢٣ ١٥.٠٥_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	19 
الحجم:	59.6 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	76394 اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٣-٠١-٢٠٢٣ ١٥.٠٦_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	11 
الحجم:	79.9 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	76395 اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٣-٠١-٢٠٢٣ ١٥.٠٦ (1)_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	10 
الحجم:	78.9 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	76396 اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٣-٠١-٢٠٢٣ ١٥.٠٧_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	11 
الحجم:	76.1 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	76397 اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٣-٠١-٢٠٢٣ ١٥.٠٧ (1)_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	11 
الحجم:	72.8 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	76398

  • #2
    اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٣-٠١-٢٠٢٣ ١٥.٠٩_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	9 
الحجم:	86.7 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	76400 اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٣-٠١-٢٠٢٣ ١٥.١٠_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	9 
الحجم:	50.0 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	76401

    Ibn Asakir

    [499 8/1150 AD - 1223/571 AD]

    After the success of the Great Arab Revolt, Syria was liberated from the rule of the Turks and Prince Faisal entered the city of Damascus, where he established what is usually known as the period of the Faisali rule, and despite the short duration of this rule, some scientific and cultural facilities were established in Damascus, and among these institutions was The Arab Academic Academy, which still exists under the name “The Academy of the Arabic Language”, and this academy has worked since its foundation until now in order to resurrect and revive the Arab heritage. For a long time, generation after generation of workers in the field of heritage have been trying to publish the book (The History of Damascus by Ibn Asaker), but nothing serious has been done so far.

    The strange thing is that the history of Ibn Asaker raised the issue of publishing it at the time when the issue of Palestine was raised, and so far the Arabs have not achieved anything worthy, neither in publishing the book, nor in the issue of Palestine. Here one must ask: What is the link between reviving a book and a political issue? Complicated ? In fact, there is more than one link. Ibn Asaker wrote his book in
    Conditions similar to the conditions we live in now, where Palestine was occupied by the Franks, and it is now, as it is known, suffering under Zionist occupation, and while Ibn Asaker was writing his book, the nation was working to liberate its lands, and preparations were made for that militarily, culturally and economically, and plans were made to wage a decisive battle with The Franks, and not long after Ibn Asaker compiled his great book, the Battle of Hattin took place and Jerusalem was liberated, and now who is Ibn Asaker?

    110./0899 A.D. And on the authority of a number, he is Ali bin Al-Hassan bin Hibatullah, Abu Al-Qasim, born in Damascus in the year 110. His family was a family that was famous in Damascus for its knowledge and piety, so Ibn Asaker, since his youth, sought knowledge and learning. He learned from his family, a great sheikh of Damascus, and did not His work is limited to that, but rather he worked on correspondence with the scholars of his time in Iraq and Khorasan, and the Umayyad Mosque was the most important center that Ibn Asaker frequented to hear from the sheikhs and commit to seminars. He also used to visit the sheikhs in their homes to teach and take lessons from them

    And when Ibn Asaker reached the age of twenty, he lost his father, and his royal ties dissolved somewhat, so he decided to journey in search of knowledge, especially the noble hadith of the Prophet, which dominated his directions from the beginning, so he headed towards Iraq, because it was still the first center of culture in the Islamic world and there was the school. The Nizamiyya are very active, as they were considered the greatest universities in the Islamic world, the highest in status, and the most profound in their influence, because it included
    So he took it from them and Ibn Asaker resided in Baghdad for a year, when he returned to Damascus and stayed a little, and from there he went to the Hijaz and in the Hijaz he spent his obligatory pilgrimage and visitation and met a number of scholars from the people of Hijaz and those who came to perform the Hajj. Five years there, during which he studied at the Nizamiyya, and visited the cities of Iraq, where he met scholars and learned from them.

    For the love of sheikhs and senior scholars, just as Baghdad at that time contained most of the intellectual production written in Arabic in its treasuries.

    And he returned again to Damascus, and he possessed great scientific energies, so he was no longer only a student, but he reached a state in which it was possible to give, in addition to taking, and Ibn Asaker felt his need for more achievement, so he decided again to head east, so he went to Iraq in the year 529 AH, where he stayed for a while. Then he went to Khurasan, and visited the major cities there, such as: Hamadan, Rayy, Isfahan, Nishapur, Bayhaq, Tabriz, and Sarakhs, and he met scholars and learned from them.

    Hesitation, and in the year 533 AH, he ended his journey and returned to Baghdad, and went to Damascus, where he made the decision, and began to happen in Damascus and teach, and that was after a bit of Soldiers, where he wrote a large number of books, and he spent all his time on knowledge, so he turned away from the temptations of the world, turned his face away from positions and jobs, and despised money and considered it among the trivialities of life that is lifted from it. The people of Damascus, and respected by
    All people are common people and people of authority

    During this period, the nation was living the stage of awakening and the war of liberation and working for the sake of unity, especially the unity of the north of the Levant with its south. Since the start of the Crusades, the role of Damascus in these wars was almost negative, and the city of Aleppo was the most active center of the Muslims for the jihad against the Crusaders. Al-Din Mahmood, who gathered in his person the qualities that qualify for leadership.

    It happened in the year 1154/5549 A.D. that Nur al-Din Mahmud entered the city of Damascus, based on the desire of its people, thus uniting the north and south of the Levant, and Damascus has now become the seat of jihad, and the launching pad for liberation and great unity. With the Crusaders, realizing that the conditions for liberation are unity, culture, internal security and stability, with a strong economy, and from these premises, relations between Nur al-Din and Ibn Asaker grew. Dar al-Hadith al-Nuriyyah, the first university of its kind in Islamic history, and the work of teaching at this university was entrusted to Ibn Asaker. The death of Ibn Asaker, two years after the death of Nur al-Din, during the reign of Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi. Which


    • #3
      His works, so that the women from him, heard Ibn Asaker was fertile production, specializing in the predominance of hadith and what is related to his sciences, he compiled “the book of the lexicon for those who are from it or authorized by him and another book in which he mentioned those who heard and a dictionary of the names of villages and cities that he heard about, and it came in a travel One and dictionaries of the sheikhdoms, as he fought the battle of awakening the Sunnah in its second phase, so he defended Al-Ash’ari with his book (The Discernment in the Lie of the Forger against Imam Al-Ash’ari, and since the era he lived in was the era of jihad, he wrote exhortation to jihad and the virtues of Jerusalem, and in the chapter of virtues he wrote in The Virtues of the Ten Companions, The Virtues of Quraysh, The Virtues of Mecca, and the Virtues of Al-Awza’i and His News.Ibn Asaker’s immortality and fame did not come from these great works of his, but rather because of his compilation of the history of the city of Damascus, as it is the most comprehensive book of his city, and there is no wonder about that, as Damascus is the most ancient city in history Human life has existed in it since time immemorial, and it has never been interrupted or stopped, and this book constitutes in itself a wonderful wealth in the Arab heritage, and when we talk we do not know when exactly Ibn Asaker began writing it, perhaps he started it when he was in Khorasan or before that, and it seems that the work In the book, he went through three stages: about him , may be

      A - The book came out in the first stage in /775/ parts, which is equivalent to /07/ volumes B - In the second stage around the year /562/ the book became in 70/ volumes C - In the third stage, which is the last, the book reached eighty
      It seems that Ibn Asaker realized that there were some gaps in his book that he wanted to rectify, but death prevented him from carrying out his wish. That is why we find him realizing that he will not be allowed to reconsider his book, so he said: “This is the extent of my knowledge and the goal of my effort. Most of the people follow Ibn Asaker’s approach.” In his book is the characteristic of the plural, and he followed the methods of the hadith scholars by mentioning all the isnads with the multiple narrations, just as he cared about the men of hadith and carried him knowledge more than others, and Ibn Asaker’s book is an alphabetical history, not a history of annals or successive events, so he stopped the first volume of his book to talk about Damascus, in general, talked about the virtues of the Levant, as well as the Islamic conquest

      It has provided most of the historical accounts on this subject. In a section of the second volume, Ibn Asaker talked about the plans of Damascus and mentioned its mosques, gates, churches, houses, rivers and canals. After this, the book turned into a book of translations arranged according to the letters of the dictionary. Of the examples or passed by its aspects of

      Wardiha and its people, Ibn Asaker, for all those known among the notables who were born and translated in Damascus with the south of the Levant, or grew up there, or resided, or passed through the region, from before Islam until its era, and the flags of Ibn Asaker are: the prophets, caliphs, princes, governors, rulers, jurists, judges, and scholars .. Ibn Asaker expanded on some of the narrators, poets,andgrammarians among others.- one hundred firs
      From the fact that the plural is the dominant characteristic of the book of Ibn Asaker, and when Ibn Asaker composed his book, he did not innovate his method, so he - as is likely - imitated Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi, the author of the History of Baghdad, but his work came to a great degree of perfection, and thus surpassed Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi, and his book was Better. Ibn Asaker’s book has gained great fame. This is appended to a number of writers, as a number of others summarized it or elected from it.

      Abbreviations do not dispense with the book itself. Ibn Asaker’s book is not a history of the city of Damascus alone or the Levant only. This lies in the importance of Ibn Asakrah's book and its immortality, not only because it is the chronicle of the most ancient city in history, but because it is the chronicle of the best men of a nation brought out to people.

