سمكة ،بأن الطين..المصورة:Susmita Datta Photography 

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  • سمكة ،بأن الطين..المصورة:Susmita Datta Photography 

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الإسم:	Screenshot_٢٠٢٣٠٧٠٢-١٩٣٦٢٢_Facebook.jpg 
مشاهدات:	3 
الحجم:	76.2 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	129454
    The aggression - Even fish can end up fighting over land. Mud skippers are highly territorial, with some species building mud walls to keep out trespassers. If a mud skipper infringes on a neighbour's territory, a fight may ensue. They often scream to intimidate each other in a territorial dispute.
    Mud skippers spend part of their lives out of water to feed, mate, and avoid capture by terrestrial predators. Therefore, they have developed behavioral and physiological specializations for adaptation to the amphibious life. The most significant morphological and functional modifications are the trend to possess close-set and moveable protuberant eyes set high on the head for escape from predators on land and the eyes are structural adapted for accurate vision in both air and water. Higher ammonia tolerance allow the fish to live in the high concentration of NH3/NH4+ within the intertidal zone. Stronger pectoral fins help mudskippers crawl and jump in the mudflat.
    As mud skippers absorb oxygen through their wet skin, when they are on land, they keep on exhibiting frequent whole body rolling on mud to make the skin moist. They are usually found in the mangroves and mudflats in the coast.

    This photo of mudskippers was taken at Sundarbans , W.B.
    Susmita Datta Photography
    اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	FB_IMG_1688315807884.jpg 
مشاهدات:	3 
الحجم:	81.1 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	129455